Autumn Privett
Storytelling Lessons from Lauren Groff’s Fates and Furies
Content Marketers spend a lot of time looking at words, both for work and for pleasure. With a keen eye, we aim to identify industry-relevant lessons in well-written novels. In this first installment of monthly Book Club articles, we explore lessons in storytelling...
Your Guide to Post-Thanksgiving Marketing Campaigns
While many of us already have visions of turkey with cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie dancing in our heads, others
What a Skateboarder Taught Me About Advertising on Instagram
A few months into graduate school, I found myself on a faded, smelly couch at a skate park writing a
How to Conquer the Airwaves: 4 Podcasting Lessons from Serial
Since its debut on October 3, 2014, Serial, This American Life’s wildly successful younger sibling, has been downloaded more than

Want to Be a Better Writer? Get a (Digital) Trapper Keeper
The recent resurgence of JNCO Jeans and Cinnamon Toast Crunch has reminded me of my long lost Lisa Frank Trapper