How EVG Team Members Are Helping Their Communities

As we face this global pandemic, it’s easy to give in to fear and be paralyzed by it. There are many things outside of our control, but if we take control of the things we are able to do, we can still make a difference in our communities. The more of us who step up and help as we are able, the bigger the impact we can have together, even when we may feel isolated. In these times, I keep thinking about something Mister Rogers once said: “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

We are indeed seeing scary things every day, but it’s also true that helpers are rising up to meet various challenges. EVG is proud that many of our employees and freelancers around the world fall into the category of “helpers” right now. Here’s a quick glimpse at what some EVG team members are doing to help during this crisis.

We are only reaching our peak in South Africa now. My family and I have set up a project, Herbie’s Helping Hand, to help the many, many homeless and jobless people in our local area by providing them with sandwiches, coffee and knitwear. If anybody would like to read more about it or share the page with their friends, please do so! – Jess Macdonald

We’re organising teams for meal deliveries for vulnerable people in our local area. We’re in rural UK and many elderly people are struggling to get into town. We take the orders, call the shops and organise distribution. – Sasha Heseltine

I teamed up with another local writer to organize our friends and neighbors to raise money so we can send meals to healthcare workers at our local hospital, which happens to be in the news as one of the hardest hit in the US: Elmhurst Hospital. We have currently raised about $1400 and are ordering meals (from local restaurants who need the money/business right now) to be sent directly to ER/ICU workers. – Giulia Pines

I initiated a challenge on Instagram for people to donate $10 to No Child Hungry and challenge 3 people to do the same. They help feed the 30 million kids who are on the government-subsidized breakfast and lunch programs and are out of school right now. – Elizabeth Bush 

I’m volunteering with my local Age UK charity – shopping and meds collection/delivery for vulnerable elderly or house-bound – and also answering the phone in their office for people to register with us for help. Doing this also legitimately allows me to walk approx five miles a day on near-empty streets! – Emma Levine 

Early news reports about the supply shortages and subsequent calls for volunteers to make millions of cotton surgical masks for healthcare providers in three states caught my attention. The masks are for non-critical use to help extend the use of real masks for COVID-19 caregivers. After a lifetime of sewing for theatre, historical societies, and myself, I knew I could help with this. I’m stitching up masks in colorful and fun cotton fabrics and sending them to local facilities. – Kathleen Gossman 

homemade fabric face masks

We’ve been partnering with our church to provide groceries for folks who are homeless or elderly/not as mobile. We open the doors to have items dropped off by anyone between 10:30 am and 12 pm on Wednesday. Then from 1-2 pm later that day, anyone who needs items can come pick them up. Several volunteers are also delivering to those less mobile. This has been going on for just two weeks now, and both times the quantity of food dropped off has been exactly what was needed, with no one going home empty-handed. – Michael Pickens

I’m volunteering with the local church, delivering essentials and food to the area’s elderly, who would normally go to the church’s day centre. I’m driving, so not being as healthy as Emma Levine, but I’m trying to do my part! It’s great that being a freelancer for EVG allows this sort of flexibility. – Jill Thomas

Thank you to our EVG team members who are finding ways to help in their communities!

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