EVG Blogger

Creating Quality Higher Education Content

It’s essential for institutions of higher education to create great content. Not only do prospective students look at higher ed

The Importance of Creating Inclusive Content

Chances are, in your marketing plan, you know what personalities you’re trying to appeal to with the content and social

How Can Translation Memory Tools Improve Your International Communication?

CAT tools, translation memories, percent matches… Some agencies like to use these phrases to sell you on their services without

Make a Name for Yourself as a Fashion Blogger with These 8 Tips

So, you’re a fashionista with a passion for writing and sharing trendy pieces with others. You’ve scrolled past your favorite

What You Need to Know About Content Marketing and Healthcare

In the age of Googling health symptoms to determine whether you need medical assistance or can get by with home

Choose Your Own Adventure: Five Ways to Multiclass as a Writer

You’ve decided to embark on the quest of a writer. There are many writers in the world, but none are

How to Use the Analytics Data You Gather

You’ve spent months gathering analytics. You know how many people have viewed your site, you know your bounce rate, you’re

Outsourcing Content Dos and Don’ts

You can’t always do it all. In fact, when it comes to creating content, many people don’t feel that they

Ethical Issues in Content and Social Media Marketing

The past two years have made it clear that what people read online has a direct impact on their lives.