The Connecting Power of Hashtags
Trials and tribulations are inevitable. And when one fiery, unexpected trial descends, it can be excruciating if we are not
Politicians Are A-Twitter About Social Media
Social media is now a given in political campaigns. A contender without a Twitter handle is hardly a contender at
LGBT+ Content Marketing
Earlier this year when I reported some of the upcoming 2015 trends in content marketing I would have never imagined
Creative Ideas: The Power of the Internet
Blogs. Tweets. Posts. Pins. The Internet has proven to be about ideas. And like ideas, the very essence of the
Marketing to New Moms
A little over six months ago, my world changed dramatically when my husband and I brought our baby boy home.
The Basics of Meta Page Descriptions
Google may not factor in a page’s meta description when determining how a page ranks, but that doesn’t mean it
Get Noticed with a Video Resume
Job searching can be an exhausting process. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to advance your career,
With Content Marketing, You Want the Gold Digger!
When I decided to sell my charming Cape Cod-style home on my own in a grueling, competitive market, I wanted
How to Conquer the Airwaves: 4 Podcasting Lessons from Serial
Since its debut on October 3, 2014, Serial, This American Life’s wildly successful younger sibling, has been downloaded more than