
Marriott Fails their Geography Test

Did you see the news stories about Marriott and China? The hotel company sent an email questionnaire to its rewards

Six Communication Practices for a Stress-Free Content Migration

Your company’s decided that a content migration is happening, and it’s your job to lead the charge or to at

Top Ten Content Migration Mistakes

Irish author Oscar Wilde said, “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” We agree because we’ve both made

7 Keys to a Successful Pre-Migration Content Audit

Have you caught the remodeling bug? It seems everywhere we turn there are TV shows, Pinterest boards and Instagram pics

Don’t Lose Sight of SEO in a Website Migration

Imagine you have a shop selling coffee cups. It’s a neatly arranged store and products are easy to find, with

Top Ten Content Migration Elements

Have you ever watched a flock of birds migrating, soaring over your head in a coordinated effort to get to

E-Commerce Marketing: Catering to Two Different Types of Shoppers

In the retail industry you can find two types of shoppers: those that enter a store knowing exactly what they

Cooking up the Perfect Recipe for Effective Small Business Marketing

Small Business Marketing: A Plan and A Strategy With social media on the rise, along with other inexpensive and easy

7 Powerful Instagram Hashtag Rules

A 2014 study found Instagram posts with “at least one hashtag have an average of 12.6% more engagement” than those