
A Moving Target: Content Marketing for Mobile Apps

A Moving Target: Content Marketing for Mobile Apps

A Mobile Target With over one billion smart phones circulating around the globe, reaching today’s consumer has become a moving

The Mobile Content Era: Are You Paying Attention?

The Mobile Content Era: Are You Paying Attention?

As with everything in life, balance is the key to success. And the key to a successful online strategy is

Google as Publisher? Why Not?

Google as Publisher? Why Not?

When news broke this week about Google’s purchase of Frommer’s online travel guides, the immediate discussions around here involved how

Is SEO Dead or the Internet’s Fabulous Invalid?

Is SEO Dead or the Internet’s Fabulous Invalid?

Embracing New Strategies for the Social Media Era Check Google yourself, and you’ll find countless articles proclaiming SEO is dead.

Agile Creativity a Boon to People-Focused Content

Agile Creativity a Boon to People-Focused Content

Several months ago at SES NYC, I had the opportunity to attend a session led by Jon Ball of Page

Link Impacts

Link Impacts

Recent Google algorithm updates have put webmasters on alert as to why their sites may have lost ranking—or proactively looking

How Penguin Rewards Quality Online Content

How Penguin Rewards Quality Online Content

We’ve laughed at the commando antics of the penguins in Madagascar, and were touched by their story in The March

How Out of Hand Anchor Text Sinks Sites

How Out of Hand Anchor Text Sinks Sites

Clothed in cute monikers, the Google algorithm updates of May have sought to penalize websites with poor quality content (Panda)

From Strings to Things: Knowledge Graph Makes Semantic Web a Reality

From Strings to Things: Knowledge Graph Makes Semantic Web a Reality

Launched today, Google’s Knowledge Graph may be the single most significant development in the search industry since … well, Google.