My Favorite Content Marketing Blogs
As content marketers, it’s critical that we keep up with the latest news and best practices. One of the easiest and most effective ways of doing this is to follow other industry expert blogs. Here are a few of my favorite content marketing blogs to help you stay current and on top of industry news:
Content Marketing Institute
Joe Pulizzi and the crew at the Content Marketing Institute have put together one of the most authoritative websites on the subject of content marketing. Writers from all industries and a variety of backgrounds are carefully selected to contribute their expertise to the blog.
There is a new article published every day, so if you are looking for fresh material, you’ll find it here. You will also find webinars from Joe and Robert Rose, as well as contributions from major players in our industry, like Jay Baer. This blog is a one-stop shop for content marketers, complete with some of the most detailed research that you will find. My advice: Subscribe to their newsletter to receive the latest updates to the blog.

Convince and Convert
So, I just mentioned Jay Baer in reference to the Content Marketing Institute, but I want to note that he offers some excellent insights on his own blog, Convince and Convert. One of the leading minds on content marketing and social media, the content on Jay’s website can really help improve your content marketing game.
You’ll also find a wide variety of subject matter. Whether you are seeking examples of companies doing content marketing right, advice for your email marketing campaign, insight into the mobile revolution or anything else under the sun (not literally), you will likely find it here. This blog should definitely be on your reading list.

The Content Council
The Content Council recently gave their blog a makeover. The new site, dubbed Content Exchange, offers articles from the vantage point of a wide variety of marketing professionals who speak from experience.
The blog also offers an extensive collection of research conducted by the team at The Content Council. The content that you will find here is both original and curated from other sites, so there’s plenty to go around. My advice is to visit the site regularly and sign up for notices, so you don’t miss out on the latest news or the conferences that this association presents.

The Content Marketing Association is the leading authority on content marketing in the UK. If your company has a global footprint, it’s good to keep tabs on this blog. You’ll find lots of great advice from content marketing experts who have experience working on projects across the globe and transcend different cultures.
There are also a ton of great case studies on this site that showcase how various content marketing tactics were actually implemented and how they impacted companies’ abilities to achieve their goals and objectives. The CMA also presents a number of events, so visit this site frequently for tips and tricks to improve your content marketing, as well as to learn about opportunities for you or your team to attend valuable content marketing events.

Heidi Cohen
If you are seeking a blog that offers articles containing actionable advice that can be put to work the same day you read them, you’ve come to the right place. Heidi Cohen is an expert in every sense of the word. Her advice is spot on, so you can read many of her articles and follow them step-by-step as you work through a project.
While you’re on the site, you’ll want to check out Heidi’s Actionable Marketing Guide. It gets into a mix of topics ranging from social media and mobile, to content marketing and writing. Keep this one on your list, and check back regularly. This blog is frequently updated.

If you haven’t heard of this one, it’s definitely worth a visit. This is a site that’s presented as a digital magazine serving to highlight how brands use a variety of different platforms to develop recognition and other objectives through strategic digital marketing techniques.
One cool thing about this site is SparksheetTV. To complement the articles that you’ll find on the site, the Sparksheet team offers a series of videos that highlight a variety of topics in digital marketing. This website is a great resource, and without all the clutter that you’ll find on some other sites.

TopRank Blog
This blog is brought to you courtesy of Lee Odden. If you’ve been to a few marketing conferences in the last few years, it’s likely that you had the pleasure of listening to Lee present. His presentations are typically full of valuable marketing advice, and his blog is no different.
Lee is big on working with others and the importance of being customer-focused when it comes to marketing tactics. These are two really important aspects of any successful content marketing campaign. Be sure to check out Lee’s take on things the next time you’re seeking some advice.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are tons of other terrific content marketing blogs out there, and these just happen to be a few of my favorites. I encourage you to consume content from as many sources as you can find, and of course have time for. You’ll find a lot of great articles right here on our own blog as well, so stick around and check out what our team is talking about.
What content marketing blogs do you keep up with? We’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions in the comments below.
Anthony Gaenzle – Director of Marketing