Go Team! Content Marketing Team Organization

Multi-Ethnic Group of People Working TogetherMy mom swears that my lifelong motto has been “I’ll do it myself.” She says that even as a toddler, I was adamant about being in charge. Have you ever heard of Type A and Type B personality traits? I’m not sure how much stock you put into it, but if I were to place myself into a category it would be, without a shadow of a doubt, the Type A one. I love to plan, be productive, and do at least three things at once. I dream in terms of charts, graphs and lists. So naturally, I thought it would be a great idea to lay out, in list form of course, a simplified example of content marketing team organization.

Here are my key components to a successful content marketing team:

1. Content Strategists—I like to start with the content strategist position because it’s the person who sees the big picture of the project. The content strategist typically asks the overarching questions like “Who are we talking to?” and “What are we trying to accomplish?” A great content strategist thinks in terms of what needs to be achieved in the long run and then makes smaller-scale plans on how to obtain the bigger goals.

2. Project Managers—While the content strategist thinks in larger terms, the project manager should be talented in organizing the smaller details. In my opinion, a good project manager is great at organizing, time management, delegating and leading. This is the person who your other team members will often refer to for daily operations questions or issues, so you want this person to be familiar with every facet of the project.

3. Writers—It goes without saying that having stellar writers on your team is an invaluable asset. Your writers should be talented at visualizing the end product, conducting efficient research and, of course, putting words together to maximize the effectiveness of the content being written.

4. Editors—Having someone in place to review all content is good practice. Going beyond that, your editor should be able to see the big picture of the project, but also comprise a level of attention to detail that ensures nothing slips through the cracks. Editors should be comfortable making changes in content to ensure that every effort reaches its maximum potential.

5. Content sharers—Particularly for social media related projects, it’s smart to have a person in charge of sharing your information. This person would also be responsible for researching the best outlets for the required information to make certain that it reaches its optimal audience.

6. Analysts—It’s so important to know what’s working and what’s not when it comes to content marketing. Analysts are the team members who run reports and study numbers related to measuring the success of our efforts. Analyzers provide imperative details and statistics so the rest of the team can review and tweak materials and practices to produce better results.

Keep in mind that every project is different, as is every company and team. As they say these days, you do you. What we have here is a concise list of what kind of talent you should be looking for when creating a successful content marketing team. You might have team members that can fill a few of these roles, or you might have a large number of people in each category. The point is that success is much easier to achieve when you have an organization system in place that has the right people doing the right job.

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Caralee CulpepperWriter and Message Board Specialist

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