Infographics for the Travel & Tourism Industry

Marriott Travel Infographic BostonTravel Infographics

Human beings love to travel. Discovering different places and different cultures appeals to us. In a lot of ways, the Internet makes travel easier by allowing us to do research prior to planning a trip. As a result, hotel marketers are using sites like Trip Advisor, Fodors and others to push out more and more marketing material to potential guests in their target markets. We now have an ample amount of info available at the click of a few keys to be able to make the best decisions for our next vacation or business trip.

But there is a downside. There is so much information, so many websites, in cyberspace that you can get information overload before you have a chance to decide on Calcutta or Dublin, and whether to visit in the Summer or Fall. So, where do you start? A trip has a lot of pieces and parts to it, as does the city you want to visit.

Fortunately, today’s digital world gives us plenty of chances to take a step back and see things from a different angle. Infographics are becoming increasingly popular resources in the travel information industry. With all this information to wade through, sometimes an easy-to-understand Infographic brings it all together in a visually appealing way.

Marriott Infographics

Marriott, for one, has fully embraced this concept. They recently called upon EnVeritas Group to produce content that would be strategically placed within Infographics that the company was planning to design. Current, fresh content about the city in which a particular hotel is located, its restaurants, attractions and neighborhoods are laid out in a organized fashion.

These infographics are also being utilized on Tumblr as a way to push out the content and inform travelers, and hopefully inspire them to post photos from their trip.

“Enveritas Group has helped us fill these great looking Infographics with very interesting, engaging content that bring the graphic to life,” stated Corbin Haresnape, Corporate SEO.

Next on the horizon, actually it’s already here, are interactive Infographics, which take an already cool concept it and bring it to life. This one is my favorite.

The travel and tourism sector is fiercely competitive, and the leading companies are the ones who understand and deliver creative marketing to travelers. It will be interesting and exciting to see the Infographics cycle play out as travelers learn to expect them and appreciate their value in planning their next trip.

Will Kellett – Sr. VP Business Development

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