Keen on Keens: Effective Content Marketing for Retail Companies

Keens on the Appalachian Trail
Keen is a great example of effective content marketing practices for retail companies.

A couple years ago I traveled to Europe for a two-week adventure traversing Spain, Italy and France. I didn’t want sore, blistered feet to get in the way of my enjoying the sights and sounds, and yes, of course, the tastes (hello pizza in Naples! I miss you!). I purchased a pair of Keen Bungee Style shoes, which are appropriately named, as the shoe resembles a bungee harness for your feet. I never experienced hurting feet or bloody blisters, and since then, I’ve worn them hiking, whitewater rafting, contra dancing and even to concerts (pushy crowds and stepped-on feet, etc.). My Keens are still in great shape and remain odorless, so I don’t have any plans to replace them soon. However, when I do, I’ll stick with this brand that I trust and love. And I’m only one of many Keen lovers.

In addition to making durable shoes, Keen is a great example of effective content marketing for retail companies. The website carries on the tradition of its product craftsmanship and quality with eye-pleasing and efficient interactive product descriptions. You can find just the kind of shoe you need with a clean user interface that’s also easily readable, informative and engaging.

The company capitalizes on the product quality and customer loyalty by interacting with its fan base through outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. The blog covers a variety of topics, including different travel excursions, employee endeavors and behind-the-scenes looks at different projects like ad campaigns. Customers can even submit a guest blog post about their recent travel adventure. One of my favorite features is the Fan Photo of the Week, where Keen wearers can submit pictures of themselves (or just their footwear) in cool places around the globe. Instagrammers can tag Keen’s handle on their personal photos, and the company will often repost them under their own account.

A product like Keen shoes lends itself to tales and pictures of grand adventure and exotic travel, which customers are more than happy to share with others, including the company itself. I think Keen is a great example of taking the opportunity to develop a product’s story and foster a relationship with happy users. Offer them the chance to not just give positive feedback but to actually share their story and experience with your product. Oh, and if you can’t tell, I can’t recommend Keens enough.

Jeanne PetrizzoWriter/Editor

EVG Profile Jeanne Petrizzo

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