“Are You Marketing In the Year You’re Living?”

“Are You Marketing In the Year You’re Living?”

This provocative question comes from Gary Vaynerchuk, with emphasis on the fact that the marketing landscape has changed and that’s a GOOD thing!

When you think about marketing and advertising for your business, what comes to mind? Do you imagine a room full of designers and copywriters furiously working to develop the right ad? Do you envision billboards with your logo on them? Do you feel overwhelmed by the vast array of digital marketing options? Do you think about using social networks to get your message out?

For many businesses, marketing, advertising and social media management are being neglected or relegated to junior members of the team who have access to few resources and operate under tight budgets. Modern digital marketing IS complicated and it requires a solid strategic framework in order to be successful. Putting that in place is easier than you think and it starts with reaching out for help. EnVeritas Group can be a strategic addition to your team and help establish a path that sets your marketing team up for success. Our knowledge of social network based micro-targeting and our ability to produce high quality digital content in-house allows us to quickly define an approach that works specifically for your business.

No matter what type of business you operate, a clear strategic vision for your marketing efforts will lead to more conversions and higher revenue. We excel at this, so we know what works and can get you moving forward down the right path. Call or email our development office today and start marketing in the year you’re living.

Harris Quinn, hquinn@evgmedia.com

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