Word Sneak: Content Marketing Edition

churchsign1Viewers who tuned in to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday, November 18 were treated to a particularly amazing display of verbal sparring between the host and funnyman/actor/writer Russell Brand.

Over the years, fans have grown to love the creative games to which Fallon frequently challenges his guests, whether it’s the lip sync battle with Emma stone or a rousing round of beer pong with Diane Keaton, an unexpected natural at the game.

Tuesday’s contest featured Fallon vs. Brand in a game called Word Sneak. The rules are ridiculously simple:

  • each contestant has a stack of index cards
  • each card contains a (somewhat awkward) term
  • contestant 1 must sneak that term into casual conversation
  • contestant 2 must try to identify the snuck-in word

Needless to say, a cunning linguist like Brand lifted the game to hilarious, almost magical levels. Which got me thinking…

As an admitted Word Nerd in an industry pregnant with Word Nerds, a game like Word Sneak is a natural—nay, necessary—indulgence. Especially, and this is because my bosses will read this blog, if we set the following basic ground rules: The words and phrases must be relevant to the content marketing industry.

So without further adieu, and with deep thanks to my colleagues at EVG for their assistance, here is your take-home version of Word Sneak: Marketing Edition.


I got 99 terms, but embed your link ain’t one!

Joseph K. Hall, Jr. – Word Sneak Evangelist & VP Content Marketing

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