
A Content Blog by EVG

Join us around the EVG Campfire to hear and share content marketing stories, insights, news and top tips.

Breaking Down Cultural Barriers in Global Content Marketing

With globalization expanding rapidly in the last decade, companies cannot be complacent with simply doing business in one country. Companies

Should You Be Making Chinese a Priority?

Today, April 20th, marks the sixth annual Chinese Language Day, a UNESCO holiday designed “to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity

The Power of Trust: Why Your Content Marketing Fails

Judging by the content that’s out there, content marketing appears to be all about generating content in the hopes it’ll

Lessons From Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends & Influence People

I was browsing through books at Coastal Carolina University’s library when I noticed Dale Carnegie’s, How to Win Friends &

My Content Marketing Journey: The Importance of Writing

Writing. It’s a method of expression. It’s how we share information with others. It’s how we create a voice. It’s

Social Media Etiquette: 5 Practices for New Hires

In today’s tech-connected world, social media use has exploded. While businesses once restricted the use of social media in the

Green Business Idea: What to Do Next

Startup is a buzz word these days, and investors are very serious about investing big money on sustainable ideas that bring

Navigating the Virtual Campaign Trail on Reddit

As a self-proclaimed “political junky,” I have watched campaigning and information gathering for the electorate evolve from being a face-to-face

Important Native Advertising News: FTC Sets Precedent

You might have missed a news story about Lord & Taylor, the Federal Trade Commission and a certain paisley dress

Winning ZMOT in 2016

We all know the world of content marketing changes daily. Ideas and trends from just a year ago now seem

Storytelling Lessons from Lauren Groff’s Fates and Furies

Content Marketers spend a lot of time looking at words, both for work and for pleasure. With a keen eye, we aim to identify industry-relevant lessons in well-written novels. In this first installment of monthly Book Club articles, we explore lessons in storytelling...