
Eric Ingrand Visits ITB Berlin
EVG’s Eric Ingrand was recently in attendance at ITB Berlin 2013. He reports on his experience, the state of the

Multicultural Branding with Marco Blankenburgh
While facilitating at this year’s Middle East Leadership Academy in Muscat, Oman, EnVeritas Group’s CEO Brice Bay had a chance

Launch Your Blog: A Content Marketing Cheat Sheet for Hoteliers
Search engines like content. In particular, Google rewards websites that have original, well-written content with a higher PageRank. But more

What Tip O’Neill and George Bernard Shaw Share: Localization
According to the late Tip O’Neill, “all politics is local.” And it seems to me, given what I’ve been reading

The 2 Most Important Questions (Ever)
A few weeks ago I read an article on LinkedIn, “Two Questions You Should Ask Yourself Every Morning” by Greg

Audacious storytelling, branding, and why you shouldn’t buy this jacket
Seth Godin writes on his blog, “Unanimity is impossible unless you are willing to be invisible. We can be unanimous

New Promotions Open Doors for Greater Success at EVG
Even though 2012 brought many great changes and milestones, we’re expecting 2013 to be even better and busier, making it

The Mobile Content Era: Are You Paying Attention?
As with everything in life, balance is the key to success. And the key to a successful online strategy is

No More One-Night Stands (Ending the Conversions Obsession)
Just wrapped up the keynote talk at SES San Francisco (@SESConf) with Avinash Kaushik, Google’s Digital Marketing Evangelist. Enigmatic guy,