
Does Your Website Give Customers Headaches?

Does Your Website Give Customers Headaches?

With the rest of the world still buzzing about the advancements of Hummingbird and other Google antics, it’s hard to

Feeding Mobile Video Addiction and 3 Apps that Can Help

Feeding Mobile Video Addiction and 3 Apps that Can Help

I have an addiction to video. Though I’m not a crazy, old cat lady (yet), almost any night of the

Secure Search, Not Provided and Hummingbird

Secure Search, Not Provided and Hummingbird

What a week for Google! First the buzz-killing, Post-Prism, Secure Search piece from Danny Sullivan seemed to catch a lot

Google Changes the SEO Landscape, Again

Google Changes the SEO Landscape, Again

Those concerned with Google search, SEO and keywords are in an uproar today. Facebook, Twitter, and websites like Search Engine

Brand2Global: Cultural Differences and Big Data

Brand2Global: Cultural Differences and Big Data

Eric Ingrand will be presenting at Brand2Global Conference in London at 11:30 am on Wednesday, September 18, 2013. The topic

Why Google Would Make the Perfect Boyfriend: The Evolution of Search Queries

Why Google Would Make the Perfect Boyfriend: The Evolution of Search Queries

It knows what you want, it knows what you need, and it’s always there for you – no, it’s not

Mobile Websites vs. Responsive Websites: Which is Better?

Mobile Websites vs. Responsive Websites: Which is Better?

Do you know what really bothers me? When people put the toilet paper roll on the handle facing the wrong

10 Mobile Apps for the Busy Marketer (Part three)

10 Mobile Apps for the Busy Marketer (Part three)

If you have not read part one and part two of the 10 Mobile Apps for the Busy Marketer trilogy,

Medical Practice Websites: Adding Content to Your Site

I was having an adjustment at my chiropractor’s office while the chiropractor made small talk. “So, what do you do?”