
Organize and  Collaborate with Paperless Proposal

Organize and Collaborate with Paperless Proposal

As COO, which I’m pretty sure many of my colleagues secretly believe stands for Chief Organizational Ogre, it’s my job

Manufacturing a Successful Social Media Campaign

Manufacturing a Successful Social Media Campaign

Like most other industries, the manufacturing industry has seen traditional marketing begin to give way to digital marketing in recent

Project Management Tips: How to manage a project without losing sleep (Part 2)

Project Management Tips: How to manage a project without losing sleep (Part 2)

In last week’s post on how to manage a project, I shared project management tips related to working with your

Project Management Tips: How to manage a project without losing sleep (Part 1)

Project Management Tips: How to manage a project without losing sleep (Part 1)

I’m a big fan of HGTV. I love watching homeowners go through the renovation process, because I enjoy seeing the

Google + Local: Year One

Google + Local: Year One

Remember that one time Google unveiled that really cool free product that made everyone realize how cool Plus was? No?

Musical Content Without a Price Tag

Musical Content Without a Price Tag

You just created a website for your business, but as you browse through it you find that the content is

Throw Tradition Out the Window

Throw Tradition Out the Window

Throw tradition out the window, this isn’t your father’s ROI. In the world of social media, we don’t calculate return

Read on Reddit and Up Your Marketing Game

Read on Reddit and Up Your Marketing Game

My college friend—an aspiring musician—was attending school to become a teacher, having given up on the dream of a musical

Launch Your Blog: A Content Marketing Cheat Sheet for Hoteliers

Launch Your Blog: A Content Marketing Cheat Sheet for Hoteliers

Search engines like content. In particular, Google rewards websites that have original, well-written content with a higher PageRank. But more