Content and Social Media Marketing in the Manufacturing Industry

Does your manufacturing company want to broaden its audience base and establish itself as a thought leader in the industry? We’ve done it before and we can make it happen for you. We can partner with you to create a content and social media strategy to achieve your specific goals.

We can provide you with blogs that are reputable, informative, authoritative and forward-thinking. Additionally, we can increase social media followers and shares, along with traffic to the website, with thought-provoking and engaging posts.

Use Social Media Marketing to Boost Your Manufacturing Business

We Recognize Your Pain Points:

B2B companies have a challenge building their audience on social media. Often, these consumers are not as active on social media and do not produce the vocal brand loyalists B2C companies can often boast. It takes more effort to gain traction on social media.

While your products may be excellent at their function, they are not necessarily visually appealing. They are also not recognized by consumers (little brand recognition), so we do not want to rely on a social media outlet that relies heavily on visuals (Instagram and Pinterest).

B2B companies may not post daily,  only posting when there’s a product or event to promote. This is a common practice for B2B marketing, but not a best practice. Posts that promote are fine on occasion, but we also want you to encourage engagement with users and be seen as a thought leader in your industry.

We Can Offer You Solutions:

First and foremost, your employees are your best fans on social media. If you can get them to engage with your content, it will organically be seen and engage with exponentially more people.

We also have a repertoire of writers with backgrounds in engineering, manufacturing and technology, so you can be sure the content we provide you with will be accurate, informative and helpful in addition to being well-written.

We will assess your current social media accounts and customize a strategy for you that plays to your strengths and is back by engaging, quality content.  We can help you find what makes your company stand out from the competition, and put that content in front of your current and potential customers. Whether you take extra care of your employees, get involved with the community, or go above and beyond for clients, we want to tell your story and spread the word.

To be seen as a thought leader, you’ll need to engage with industry news and other relevant updates and posts that are not just your own. This will cause your followers to see you not just as a company that sells products, but as a company that understands problems and sells solutions.

We’ve Had Proven Success: Sealevel and WIKA

Of our partnership, Sealevel has said:

“The partnership has exceeded our expectations considering we’d never outsourced [social media marketing] before. It saved us when we were resource deprived.” We’re proud of our work with Sealevel and glad to have made a positive difference in their marketing strategy.

WIKA has also been very pleased with our work, saying:

“Some executives scoff at the idea that content can help convert into customers. EVG has helped us prove that customer-focused content opens doors many times faster than just having a product brochure that looks and sounds like all others. EVG has been instrumental in helping us create insight and transmit it to customers, reframing our offerings in the process.”

If you’d like to talk about our content solutions and how they can help your company, email Harris Quinn at!

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