
A Content Blog by EVG

Join us around the EVG Campfire to hear and share content marketing stories, insights, news and top tips.

5 Ideas for Crafting Creative Company Taglines

Coming up with a really, catchy slogan for your company can be tricky. Not only should slogans or company taglines

Adult Coloring Books Can Reduce Stress

In high school, I took a coloring book and crayons to occupy my spare time during standardized testing days. Even

Twitter Updates

No More 140 Characters on Twitter? Re/code was the first to report on the possibility of increasing the traditional 140-character limit to

Increase Website Speed with These MagentoTM Extensions

Increasing website speed shouldn’t be as complicated as so many articles make it out to be. After all, if you’re running

Voice Search – What Is It, and What Can You Do About It?

You’re walking around in downtown Atlanta and, inspired by the Southern charm, decide you’d like to try some local soul

Is It Worth Updating Your Website?

Navigating the World Wide Web has become a labyrinth of digital material in recent years. While fields like user experience

Increase Sales Without Irritating Users

Avantika from wrote a post that talks about why customers usually abandon their cart page. The article isn’t an

Discover Your Notification Limit with Facebook Notify

In a move to compete with Twitter, the popular social media platform for up-to-the-minute information, Facebook released the Notify app last

6 Marketing Habits to Burn in 2016

The year is coming to an end and it’s getting colder outside (in some places). So what’s better than sitting

How to Do a DIY Website Audit for Your Small Business

As 2015 wraps up, it’s time to set your marketing goals for 2016. With over 3.2 billion using the Internet,

What’s New on Social Media

As 2015 comes to a close, a new year on the horizon means fresh things in technology and social media! But