
A Content Blog by EVG

Join us around the EVG Campfire to hear and share content marketing stories, insights, news and top tips.

5 Brands That Went Viral on YouTube and How Yours Can Too

YouTube can seem like a fickle, confusing place where only the lucky can achieve audience attention, but this does not

5 Brands That Went Viral on YouTube and How Yours Can Too
Do You Write Good? Technique and Inspiration for Content Marketing Writers

Do You Write Good? Technique and Inspiration for Content Marketing Writers

Even as videos get a lot of play in content marketing circles (see what I did there?), as a writer

YouTube Turns 10 on Valentine’s Day!

YouTube Turns 10 on Valentine’s Day!

Are you looking forward to or dreading this Valentine’s Day? Regardless of your plans, there may be another reason to

Search Engines Tags, Attributes, Commands and Suggestions: 301 Redirects, “nofollow” and “noindex”

Part 2 Previously, I talked about using robots.txt files and canonicalization to direct search engines around your website. Now, let’s

Search Engine Tags, Attributes, Commands and Suggestions: Robots.txt and rel=“canonical”

Part 1 When I prompted some friends for their questions to help me write this blog, one of my favorite

8 Marketing Lessons from the 2015 Super Bowl Commercials

Yes, I’m one of the 78% of Americans who watch the Super Bowl mainly for the commercials. In fact, this

Website Design: ADA Accessibility Standards Matter

Website Design: ADA Accessibility Standards Matter

Those of us with good health take using the Internet as a given. We watch videos, skim text and consume

BuzzFeed, FuzzBeed and the Unbearable Blandness of Focusing on Shareability

On February 3, 2015, the viral content megalith Buzzfeed registered 14,450,212 unique visitors, according to Quantcast, a company that measures

Social Media Budgeting Tips

Social Media Budgeting Tips

As more consumers go mobile and more businesses recognize the power of having an online presence, social media advertising budgets

6 Apps to Improve Learning in Higher Education

The classroom is no longer a place where a piece of chalk and blackboard are needed. Classrooms today, from Kindergarten

But I Don’t Want To: Tips for Staying Motivated

But I Don’t Want To: Tips for Staying Motivated

Do you remember in college when you postponed writing that paper until the night before? Did you convince yourself that