
A Content Blog by EVG

Join us around the EVG Campfire to hear and share content marketing stories, insights, news and top tips.

Audacious storytelling, branding, and why you shouldn’t buy this jacket

Seth Godin writes on his blog, “Unanimity is impossible unless you are willing to be invisible. We can be unanimous

Audacious storytelling, branding, and why you shouldn’t buy this jacket
New Facebook Graph Search Engine

New Facebook Graph Search Engine

Facebook recently sent out invitations for a press conference that cryptically read, “Come and see what we’re building.” Since then,

New Promotions Open Doors for Greater Success at EVG

New Promotions Open Doors for Greater Success at EVG

Even though 2012 brought many great changes and milestones, we’re expecting 2013 to be even better and busier, making it

Five SEO Resolutions You Won’t Want To Break

Five SEO Resolutions You Won’t Want To Break

It’s January and time to make a few resolutions for 2013. With the best of intentions, we promise to lose

5 Best Ways to Create Content that Connects

5 Best Ways to Create Content that Connects

read part two Good content drives better business. If you write it (well), design it (well), and disseminate it (well)

The Mobile Content Era: Are You Paying Attention?

The Mobile Content Era: Are You Paying Attention?

As with everything in life, balance is the key to success. And the key to a successful online strategy is

Google as Publisher? Why Not?

Google as Publisher? Why Not?

When news broke this week about Google’s purchase of Frommer’s online travel guides, the immediate discussions around here involved how

No More One-Night Stands (Ending the Conversions Obsession)

No More One-Night Stands (Ending the Conversions Obsession)

Just wrapped up the keynote talk at SES San Francisco (@SESConf) with Avinash Kaushik, Google’s Digital Marketing Evangelist. Enigmatic guy,

Is SEO Dead or the Internet’s Fabulous Invalid?

Is SEO Dead or the Internet’s Fabulous Invalid?

Embracing New Strategies for the Social Media Era Check Google yourself, and you’ll find countless articles proclaiming SEO is dead.

Agile Creativity a Boon to People-Focused Content

Agile Creativity a Boon to People-Focused Content

Several months ago at SES NYC, I had the opportunity to attend a session led by Jon Ball of Page

Who, What and Why Matter in Content Marketing

Who, What and Why Matter in Content Marketing

The old rules of journalism are enjoying something of a rebirth in the world of content marketing according to a