
Talking Careers With Downtown Greenville Pastry Chef and Foodie Michal Smith

I am blessed to have friends from a wide variety of different backgrounds, each with a unique heritage. One of

Google: Greenville is a 2014 eCity

Google: Greenville is a 2014 eCity

Greenville, SC – During a press conference this afternoon at the Dark Corner Distillery on Main Street, search giant Google

The Content Marketing Cupcake: 4 Key Ingredients

The Content Marketing Cupcake: 4 Key Ingredients

The cupcake. That sweet, iced goodie that continues to evolve in the baked treat industry and that spans our cravings

Catching Content: Top 10 Attributes of Viral Marketing Campaigns

Catching Content: Top 10 Attributes of Viral Marketing Campaigns

What do the Old Spice Man, the Evian babies and the Chipotle Scarecrow all have in common? We’ve all seen

Content Marketing Comes of Age

Content Marketing Comes of Age

Insights from Brand2Global in London, October 1-2, 2014. You know something’s happening when leading brands like Google, LEGO, Lenovo, Nike,

Content Marketing in the Age of the Customer

Content Marketing in the Age of the Customer

Many marketers approach the digital economy as the same market in a digital form, but Shar VanBoskirk argues that it

A Day in the Life of an International Content Manager

A Day in the Life of an International Content Manager

From creative brainstorming to hiring an international team and then managing guidelines, calendars, budgets and deadlines, the day-to-day life of an

Darth Tim Cook Takes Over the World (Not Really): Apple’s U2 Album Release

Did Darth Tim Cook wave his black-gloved hand and try to command with Jedi mind tricks that the world’s brainless

The Ingenuity of Mockingjay Advertising

The Ingenuity of Mockingjay Advertising

Mockingjay Part 1 (the third installment of the Hunger Games, for those unaware) comes out on November 21, and the