A Content Blog by EVG
Small Business Digital Strategy 101: Attract, Retain, Engage
In the first half of 2012, small business spending on IT grew by 6%. More and more, small businesses are

Link Impacts
Recent Google algorithm updates have put webmasters on alert as to why their sites may have lost ranking—or proactively looking

Strong Content = Strong Strategy
I read a great article over at Remarkablogger, and Matt Hooper’s premises mirror what we tell our clients time and

How Penguin Rewards Quality Online Content
We’ve laughed at the commando antics of the penguins in Madagascar, and were touched by their story in The March

How Out of Hand Anchor Text Sinks Sites
Clothed in cute monikers, the Google algorithm updates of May have sought to penalize websites with poor quality content (Panda)

Pinterest: Have You Pinned Today?
The current darling of the Internet, Pinterest is arguably one of the hottest commodities around. The online pinboard company has

From Strings to Things: Knowledge Graph Makes Semantic Web a Reality
Launched today, Google’s Knowledge Graph may be the single most significant development in the search industry since … well, Google.

Spreading the Multilingual Content Gospel
Here’s a staggering figure for Chief Content Officers and other key decision-makers to ponder the next time they sit down

Content Curation: A rose by any other name (Part III)
Continued from previous entry. Making your content bloom At EVG, we further define curation as essentially the organizing and sharing

And this above all: To thine customers be true!
Far be it for me to mangle one of my favorite Shakespearean quips, but honesty and truthfulness on the Web

Thou Shalt Not Steal … Original Content
The November 2010 meltdown and subsequent demise of Cooks Source over accusations of plagiarism is just one example of what