social media

4 Creative Content Marketing Ideas to Boost University Admissions

4 Creative Content Marketing Ideas to Boost University Admissions

On my first day as a college student, I walked out of my dorm and onto campus feeling terrified and

Navy + Social Media = Success

Navy + Social Media = Success

Members of the EVG team have been keeping a close eye on SlideShare, as well as posting our presentations on

5 Tips for SlideShare Success

5 Tips for SlideShare Success

Ok, so at this point most of the social sphere is familiar with the “new” kid on the block.  SlideShare,

Don’t Assume: Social Media Training for Employees

Don’t Assume: Social Media Training for Employees

To (probably) quote Cicero, when it comes to social media marketing, don’t put the cart before the horse. In this

Blogging: Best Practices

Blogging: Best Practices

Successful blogs combine the principles of effective writing with the elements of user-friendly website design. Good writing is about providing

Facebook Joins Hashtag Mania

Facebook Joins Hashtag Mania

It seems that everywhere you look, whether it’s on television, a print ad in a magazine, or while browsing the

Manufacturing a Successful Social Media Campaign

Manufacturing a Successful Social Media Campaign

Like most other industries, the manufacturing industry has seen traditional marketing begin to give way to digital marketing in recent

Want the Secret to Pinterest Success?

Want the Secret to Pinterest Success?

Perfect photos. That’s the secret. What’s the epitome of a perfect pic? The Curalate team picked one, and I’ll tell

Social Media, the Honeymoon is Over

Social Media, the Honeymoon is Over

As a social media user, let me tell you, my honeymoon with social media is over. I’m no longer dazzled

Give a Hoot About Social Media Management

Give a Hoot About Social Media Management

By now, most companies understand the benefits of integrating social media into their marketing strategy (if you haven’t, get with

4 Ways to Use the New LinkedIn Contacts Tool

4 Ways to Use the New LinkedIn Contacts Tool

The conversation turned unexpectedly raucous the other day when I mentioned the new Contacts tool from LinkedIn. This new feature