social media

LinkedIn Gets Contented

LinkedIn Gets Contented

In an evolution of its Influencers program, LinkedIn recently announced the rollout of its publishing platform to 25,000 users. The

How do Companies Market Sustainability Initiatives?

Recycling and conserving energy have become standard practices in a significant percentage of companies in most major industries. Not only

The Internet is a Visual Place: 5 Tips for Higher Education

The Internet is a Visual Place: 5 Tips for Higher Education

Here at EVG, it’s no secret that “the Internet is a visual place” has been my mantra for the past

Social Media Analytics Tools

Social Media Analytics Tools

The looming question from any marketing manager is, “Is social media worth it?” Or, “Can we measure social media’s ROI?”

Learning from the Best Videos of Vine’s First Year

Learning from the Best Videos of Vine’s First Year

Last week, Vine turned one. While some of us (myself included) doubted that six-second films would catch on or offer

What’s Trending on Facebook?

What’s Trending on Facebook?

Just this week, Facebook released a new homepage feature: “Trending.” The feature is slowly being rolled out across Facebook profiles,

Twitter as a News Source

Twitter as a News Source

I try to stay up to date when it comes to politics and current events. In recent months, I’ve become

The Revival of MySpace: Is It Here to Stay?

Let me tell you a story: Before Facebook became the popular and well-oiled social media machine that it is now,

Beyond a Trend: How Social Media Continues to Evolve

Beyond a Trend: How Social Media Continues to Evolve

For years, we’ve been making predictions and counting down the days to the end of Facebook’s reign over social media.

Should You Separate Your Work and Personal Identities?

I have two separate Twitter accounts and two separate Google+ accounts. I tweet and post regularly from all of them.

Social Social Media

Social Social Media

For most businesses, a content marketing strategy is essential. It’s worth it to hire firms with a proven track record